
Showing posts from August, 2018

Post 3: Poetry Benchmark Essay

Prompt: The following poem is by the sixteenth-century English poet George Gascoigne. Read the poem carefully. Then write an essay in which you analyze how the complex attitude of the speaker is developed through such devices as form, diction, and imagery. Essay: Throughout his poem, "For That He Looked Not Upon Her", George Gascoigne discusses his conflicted attitude to someone who once harmed him. Gascoigne's diction demonstrates the contrast of his feelings regarding this person. He first describes this person by their supposed wonder at him taking "no delight to range about the gleams which on you face do grow." In this line he forms the idea that it is strange that he wouldn't be staring at the person's face, leading the reader to the conclusion that at one point he did so. This builds the complexity of his attitude toward that person as it shows a past relationship that changed. He against uses favorable descriptors coupled with negative actions as

Post 2: Design Justification

Opening up my blog, the first thing a reader will see is the most recent post. In a large white rectangle it stands out against the rest of the page, drawing the eye immediately. Exploring the rest of the blog, they can find my profile and the archive of posts by clicking on the sidebar tab. I chose this clean layout to put emphasis on what I’m saying and what I’m posting rather than distracting the reader with too many gadgets on one page. I chose the color scheme of my blog for similar reasons. The background image of sand dunes and mountains in soft purple lighting as well as the continued theme of lavender lettering “encourages deep contemplation, or meditation” (“Psychological Properties of Color”). This represents me because of my tendencies to be introspective and reasonable. Purple is the “color of imagination” and can help inspire creativity which can help further the complexity of my writings on my blog (“Purple Color Psychology”). Throughout my blog I used two different fon

Post 1: Tell Me One Thing

To view my powerpoint, click on "Read More."